Collaboration is the only way forward


We welcome universities and schools to become our partners and collaborate with us on research and development projects related to learning management systems, campus management systems, and distance learning models. These projects will involve the integration of cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, to create more personalized and effective learning experiences. We are committed to fostering strong partnerships with universities and schools to advance the field of education technology. We believe that by working together, we can create innovative solutions that will improve the learning experience for students and faculty alike.

Our partnerships with universities and schools will also provide opportunities for faculty and students to participate in research projects, gain hands-on experience in the fields of education technology, computer science, management, and contribute to the development of new solutions.

We are at the forefront of research and development in the fields of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, IoT, blockchain, data sciences, and allied management domains. Our dedicated team of experts is constantly working to push the boundaries of these technologies and uncover new insights and solutions that can benefit a wide range of industries. To achieve this, we actively seek out partnerships with leading industrial and corporate partners. These partnerships provide us with the opportunity to work on real-world problems and challenges, which in turn generates new research dimensions and opportunities for innovation.

Our partnerships with industrial and corporate partners also provide opportunities for joint research projects, knowledge exchange, and the development of new products and services. These collaborations allow us to combine our expertise and resources to generate new dimensions of research and innovate solutions that can create value for our partners and society as a whole.

At our company, we are committed to fostering innovation and supporting individuals who are driven to turn their ideas into reality. Whether you are a professional with a novel concept looking to commercialize your idea, or a researcher with a passion for academia, we are here to help you explore your options and achieve your goals. We understand that taking the first step towards commercialization or entrepreneurship can be daunting, which is why we offer a range of services to support individuals at every stage of the process. Our team of experts is on hand to provide guidance and support, from evaluating the feasibility of your idea, to developing a business plan, and identifying funding opportunities.

Our approach is tailored to your needs and goals, and we work closely with you to understand your vision and help you navigate the challenges and opportunities of taking your idea to market. We also offer access to our network of industry experts and investors, to help you connect with the right people and resources to bring your idea to fruition.


The Relational Integrated System Entities (RISE) framework provides a balanced growth approach to all stakeholders, and that is indeed rising to the horizon together with mutual planning and strategies. By fostering strong relationships among all stakeholders, the framework promotes mutual understanding, trust, and collaboration. This leads to a more efficient and effective use of resources and allows for the creation of new opportunities for growth and success. Additionally, the RISE framework is designed to be adaptable and flexible, allowing businesses to adjust to changing market conditions and emerging trends. This enables businesses to remain competitive and agile, even in the face of uncertainty and volatility. 

In the emerging digital ecosystem, inter-disciplinary functions and systems are becoming vital. Technology is providing the required bridge to connect and expose the potential and benefits. The Relational Integrated System Entities Framework is our approach to working with diverse  organizations, joining efforts in R&D, management, fin-tech, technology, education, and skill development. RISE ensures the independence, collaboration, and security of intellectual property rights, which is why we call it "rising to the horizon together."

D3T-RISE provides;
- Inter- and intra-disciplinary problem-solving opportunities
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Global Use Cases
- Cutting-Edge Technology Product Development
- Conception-to-Realization Startups
- Knowledge Economy, Management, and Strategy Think Tank
- Collaboration, knowledge exchange, and trainings
- Knowledge sharing and exchange

Key reasons in our value system:
* Inter/Intra disciplinary activities
* Research & Development, think out-of-the-box for conventional ways and systems - find the hidden dimension
* HR Development to System Development, D3T covers the complete cycle to chalk out a career.


Our RISE partners, from academia to technology firms, are sharing their experience and unique use-cases for research and practical support in making new products and services. We are always open to new partners and collaborators on the RISE framework. We are dedicated to providing our partners with cutting-edge solutions that are designed to drive business growth and success. Our team of experts has a deep understanding of industry trends and dynamics, and we work closely with our partners to identify opportunities for growth and expansion. We also provide ongoing support to ensure that our partners are able to continuously adapt and evolve in response to changing market conditions.


Sci-Sageza is a leading provider of cutting-edge technology solutions in the field of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and an extensive portfolio of products. As a startup company that has emerged from D3T, we have rapidly established ourselves as a successful business entity, known for our innovation, expertise and exceptional customer service. Our dedicated team is committed to helping our clients achieve their goals by leveraging the latest technology to drive business growth and efficiency.


Let's initiate a dialogue and find out the possibilities for working together. The opportunities and hidden potential that can be exposed through our collaboration to expand mutual growth Leave your contact information here, and our representative will soon contact you for a detailed session.

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