Seeking New Horizon


D3T is having scientists, scholars, and practitioners with versatile backgrounds and specialties to conduct research in a vast range of areas related to technology, social science, business, and academia. Our research and development process, "DEPTH," has been formulated with experience and refinements over time. We are dedicated to keeping improving, with a clear focus on infusing technological advancements into evolvable solutions. Our service model, "ACTS," ensures quality and unique value propositions.

Enterprise Transformation

Mobirise is an easy website builder - just drop site elements to your page, add content and style it to look the way you like.

Blockchain Development

Blockchain as a multi-channel security system is our R&D area to utilize potential of blockchain and cloud computing for robotics, AI and Fin-Tech.

IoT Solutions

IoT for smart ecosystem is a vast area that incorporates object identification, tracking, behavior analysis on one side while CoBots and M2M is another world for research & development.

UI/UX Design

Mobirise is an easy website builder - just drop site elements to your page, add content and style it to look the way you like.

VR/VA Development

All sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site.

Customer Software Development

Mobirise offers many site blocks in several themes, and though these blocks are pre-made, they are flexible.


Developing new methodologies for robust data security at rest and in transit. From classical to quantum encryption are our focused areas for highly customized security solutions.

Artificial Intelligence

All sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site.

Cloud Computing

Cloud is a swiftly expanding platform and provides many areas for R&D. From data center to cloud service modelling, D3T is casting models, products and services for smart ecosystem.

Knowledge Management

Mobirise is an easy website builder - just drop site elements to your page, add content and style it to look the way you like.

IC Audit

All sites you make with Mobirise are mobile-friendly. You don't have to create a special mobile version of your site.

Techno-Economic Systems

Mobirise offers many site blocks in several themes, and though these blocks are pre-made, they are flexible.


Our areas of experience and interest show the versatile and inter-linked approach to work with industry & academia

Telemedicine and virtual care applications with HIPPA-compliance and EHR data systems supported with disease identification based on image processing and data analytics.

Digital transformation with AI-based account reconciliation to sophisticated security protocols, analytics, advanced dAppps, DeFi and FinTech platforms with cryptography tools.

Open supply chain with GPS tracking for commodities and transportation. IoT enabled proof-of-origin and scheduling systems for transparent monitoring and optimal productivity.

From smart homes to smart offices, complete solutions with sharing, distribution and security. Seamless integration of devices and digital assets to provide evolving autonomous system.

D3T offers tailored solutions for preventing resource misuse and on-premise hazards using assets monitoring, workflow automation, and safety compliance systems.

Strategizing human workforce for industry 4.0 or entrepreneurial initiatives along with economic factors is a key challenge at public and private setups. We provide insight on skill development demands and quality measures.


We offer a unique program that focuses on sharing, exchanging, and distributing knowledge to promote research and development in various fields. Our program is designed to foster a productive dialogue among research scholars and professionals, providing guidance and support to help improve research work. Our professional panels are composed of experts in various fields and are dedicated to guiding, helping and improving the research work of our partners. We invite researchers and scholars to join our program and work with us on their projects, research work, or publications. Our goal is to help researchers achieve international standards and recognition for their work.

Define & Design

Ideation, conception, problem identification, refinement, an appropriate research design, and recursive evaluation are our basic steps to developing a stable foundation.

Engineer & Evaluate

Engineering an architecture to address the problem and segmentation of possible solutions along with technology infusion to activate design in an optimal environment. Recursive evaluation is a parallel activity to ensure design coherence.

Process & Proof

Segmented prototypes and process clusters to infuse compatibility, interoperability, and polymorphic functional layers to have an optimum solution. Configuration variant analysis for process cost and stability

Test & Trial

Simulations, datasets, and customized use-cases are used to test the artifact. Multiple stages and mechanisms of testing lead to real-time trial and refinement.

Health & Help

We prefer a research design that can evolve instead of relying on updates and versions, whether it is a corporate strategy, a training program, or a software product. We believe the health of a solution is in its evolution.


"ACTS" is our service framework - we engage at various levels to develop, share and deploy innovation 


Advisory & Audits

We provide guidance and evaluation of existing setups and provide complete transaction advisory services.


Collaborative Research

Academia or Industry, we are open to join hands for research projects with our experienced and dedicated team.


Technology & Transformation

Emerging technologies and transformation to cloud computing, AI, or organic organizations require a complete strategy for sustainable solutions.


Science & Society

Social network analysis, surveys, trend analysis, forecasting, and predictive analytics using our AI-enabled frameworks for optimum outcomes


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